Tree Owner Disclaimer
Summit Hard Cider and Perry, LLC under the Branch Out Cider brand will:
- Enter your property and harvest apples from apple tree(s) for the purpose of making apple wine. Summit Hard Cider and Perry, LLC will take possession of the apples at the date of harvest.
- Maintain the privacy of the location of your property and apple tree except as to any subcontractor of Summit Hard Cider and Perry, LLC to perform a service (tree trim, apple picking) on behalf of Summit Hard Cider and Perry, LLC.
- Notify all registered tree owners of a pre-sale opportunity exclusive to tree owners in January of each production year.
- Be responsible for the production of apple wine unless the tree owner fails to notify the company of known reason their apples should not be used for apple wine production.
- Attempt to collect groundfall apples for onsite or offsite composting.
- Carry commercial general liability and workers compensation insurance and require any subcontractors to hold the same in case of injury during apple harvest.
- Document (including a photo) your tree for the purpose of maintaining information about the type of tree, size, and yield to plan for the picking of apples in the future.
Summit Hard Cider and Perry, LLC will not:
- Sell or share your personal information to another party unless approval is given by customer.
- Be responsible for the condition of the apple tree before, during, or after apple picking. (We will treat your apple tree with care but limbs maybe damaged during harvest.)
- Be responsible for the removal/cleaning of apples after the tree has been harvested and staff has left the premises
Tree Owner is responsible for:
- Disclosure of any situation that would deem their apples unworthy of consumption/production of apple wine (ie. soil or groundwater contamination)
- Designating and insuring safe access by Summit Hard Cider and Perry, LLC to the tree(s).